The Scottish Play!

In English lessons last week, the children in Year 5 enjoyed learning all about Shakespeare's Macbeth. They completed lots of drama activities, allowing them to explore character feeling and motivation and also the impact of stage directions within a playscript.  Armed with this knowledge, the children re-wrote a scene from the play, using modern language. Here is Hadi’s re-write: 

Macbeth Scene 3

Cast List: Servant, Macbeth, Assassins 1-3, Lady Macbeth, Banquo’s ghost, Lennox, Ross.

Narrator: Macbeth has invited lords, family and friends to a banquet.  Banquo died because assassins had killed him… At the banquet…

Servant: Welcome Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. (servant departs)

Macbeth: (Walks in slowly) Thank you for coming.

Narrator: After a while, the servant came back.

Servant: Erm… the two men have arrived and wish to see you (walks away slowly and whispers, trying not to draw attention).

Macbeth: (Walks to the assassins and whispers) Have you killed Banquo?

Assassin 1: Yes.

Macbeth: And his son? 

Assassin 2: Well… he escaped, he was too fast.

Macbeth: What? The boy I can deal with later. Go!

Lady Macbeth: Come and rejoin the feast!

Macbeth: But the table is full.

Lennox: Here’s a seat my king.

Narrator: As Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost, he starts to swing his sword in mid-air.

Macbeth: Leave this place at once! (Still waving the sword).

Lady Macbeth: (Trying to stay calm). The king isn’t well. Please stay seated.

Banquo’s ghost: Time to get revenge!

Narrator: All of the visitors left

Lady Macbeth: What were you doing? 

Macbeth: I saw Banquo.  I think I'm…

Lady Macbeth: What?

Macbeth: Cursed…